Universitätsbibliothek Hagen

Fachportal Mathematik: Miscellaneous

  • Cornell University Library Historic Math Book Collection
    "Historic Math Book Collection der Cornell University Library."
  • Institute for Mathematical Sciences Preprint Server
    " The department's Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) Preprint Server is searchable and offers full-text preprints (.ps and TeX) from 1990 to the present. Areas of research at Stony Brook include differential geometry, topology, dynamics, complex analysis, differential equations, algebra and representation theory, and mathematical physics."
  • The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
    "The archive contains the biographies of more than 2100 mathematicians. You can access them from a selection of Alphabetical or Chronological Biographical indexes."
  • The Math Forum
    "Many good math resources organized by subject, plus an extensive archive on commonly-asked questions. A service of Drexel University, Philadelphia."
  • Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive (mp_arc)
    "The University of Texas-Austin's Mathematics Department houses this excellent Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive. With abstracts and papers organized by year (1991-present), this free service lets users deposit papers in an electronic format over the Web or by email. Users may also access papers (by email, FTP, Gopher, wais, HTTP). In addition, the service supplies weekly updates. This site offers a substantial archive for those interested in mathematical physics."
  • Mathematics Generalogy Project
    "A service of the NDSU Department of Mathematics, in association with the AMS."
  • Problemcorner : Online Reference to Mathematical Problems
    "Compiled by MathPro Press and provided by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Missouri - Rolla, this site contains a searchable database of over 20,000 math problems. Math teachers and arithmetic enthusiasts have many search options: searchable fields include Problem Statement, Subject, Year, Proposer, Solver, and Author. The database is also browseable by subject, each of which is further divided into a large number of sub-subjects. Search returns include a brief description of the problem and its source, with links when available. Users are also invited to comment on the problems, and past comments may be searched by keyword or author from the main page."
  • Jordan Theory Preprint Archives
    "Hier gelangen Sie zum Jordan Theory Preprint Server von Prof. Dr. Ottmar Loos an der FernUniversität in Hagen."

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Letzte Änderung: 22.08.2017

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